What is Cloud Seeding?
Cloud Seeding
Cloud seeding is a weather modification technique used to enhance rainfall or snowfall.
How Cloud Seeding Works
Cloud seeding involves dispersing substances like silver iodide into clouds to stimulate precipitation.
Purpose of Cloud Seeding
It is used to increase water supply, reduce drought impacts, and control weather patterns in specific regions.
Chemicals Used in Cloud Seeding
Common chemicals like silver iodide, potassium iodide, and dry ice are used to trigger rain.
Benefits of Cloud Seeding
Cloud seeding helps boost agricultural water supply, improve air quality, and control extreme weather conditions.
Types of Cloud Seeding
There are three types of cloud seeding: warm cloud seeding, cold cloud seeding, and static cloud seeding.
Is Cloud Seeding Safe?
Cloud seeding is generally considered safe, with no harmful effects on humans or the environment when done properly.
Future of Cloud Seeding
As climate change intensifies, cloud seeding may play a bigger role in managing global water resources.
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