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Essential Tips for High-Yield Okra (Bhindi) Farming in India

okra farming in India

Okra, also known as lady finger plant (Abelmoschus esculentus), is a popular vegetable crop in India, cherished for its nutritional value and versatility in cooking. Okra cultivation is a significant part of Indian agriculture, contributing to the livelihoods of numerous farmers. This blog aims to provide a comprehensive guide on okra farming, covering all essential aspects from soil requirements to pest management, ensuring a successful and productive yield.

Okra Crop at a Glance

Required Climatic Conditions

Okra plant thrives in warm and humid climates, requiring specific conditions for optimal growth:

Soil Requirement

Land Preparation

Prepare the land by ploughing once or twice, depending on the soil type. Mix 3 tons of Farm Yard Manure (FYM) and 3 Liter of composting bacteria in the field, allowing it to decompose in open air for 10 days. Spread this mixture evenly over the soil and use a rotavator to achieve a fine tilth throughout the field. Prepare raised beds, 90 – 120 cm wide bed preparation, by using a tractor.


Seed Rate


Selecting the right variety is crucial for maximizing yield and ensuring disease resistance. Popular Okra varieties include:

Seed Treatment

For effective seed treatment, use Thiamethoxam 30% FS at 10 ml / kg seed to protect against sucking pests. Combine with Carbendazim 50% WP at 3 gm / kg seed to prevent fungal diseases. This dual treatment ensures healthier germination and robust plant growth. 


Nutrient Management

Fertilizer application rates depend on soil fertility levels, ensuring optimal nutrient balance for crops. The recommended NPK ratio is 150:100:100 kg/ha. The basal dose includes 38:100:33 NPK kg/ha, applied initially to establish strong root and shoot growth. First top dressing involves applying 38:0:33 NPK kg/ha at 30 days after planting, supporting early vegetative growth. At 60 days, a second top dressing of 38:0:33 NPK kg/ha enhances crop vigor and development. A third top dressing of 38 N kg/ha at 90 days maintains nitrogen levels for sustained plant growth. Additionally, micro-nutrients like Zinc and Magnesium are crucial in the basal application, ensuring comprehensive nutrient availability throughout the crop cycle.

Irrigation Management

Water the crops as needed, taking into account the soil type and local irrigation practices. Adjust the frequency and amount of irrigation according to the specific requirements of the plants and the environmental conditions.

Intercultural Operations

Crop Protection

Crop protection includes pest and disease management. Below are the pests and diseases that affect Okra crops.

Pest Management

Leaf miner

Leaf miners are larvae that feed on the mesophyll tissue within leaves, creating irregular mines that may become necrotic. They can also tunnel into stems, hindering plant development, and sometimes attack the fruit as well.

Organic Control: Spray Neem oil @ 2 ml per lit water

Chemical Control: Spray Abamectin 1.9% EC – 0.5 ml OR Thiamethoxam 25% WG – 0.5 gm OR Cartap Hydrochloride 50% SP –  1.5 gm per liter water.

Sucking Pest – Thrips, Aphid, Whitefly, Jassids

In the Okra crop, sucking pests like thrips, aphids,  and whiteflies suck the leaf sap, weakening the plants and leading to stunted growth and reduced yields.

Mechanical Control: Install Yellow and Blue sticky traps @ 10 per acre

Organic Control: Spray Neem oil @ 2 ml per lit water

Chemical Control: Spray Acetamiprid 20% SP – 0.5 gm OR Thiamethoxam 25% WG – 0.5 gm OR Ulala Insecticide 0.4 gm OR Imidacloprid 17.8% SL – 0.5 ml per liter 

Fruit and Shoot Borer (Earias vitella, E. insulana)

The larva tunnels into tender terminal shoots during the vegetative stage and into flower buds, flowers, and young fruits as the plant enters the fruit formation stage. This activity causes the affected shoots to droop, wither, and eventually dry up.

Mechanical Control: Install Light Traps @ 2 per acre

Chemical Control: Spray Emamectin benzoate 5% SG – 0.5 gm OR Chlorantraniliprole 18.5% SC – 0.4 ml OR Quinalphos 25% EC – 2 ml OR Profex Super Insecticide – 2 ml per liter water. 


Symptoms include premature leaf fall, wilting and decline in growth and fruit production. Roots of infected plants show typical galls / knots. 

Organic Control: Drench Paecilomyces Lilacinus @ 2 lit per acre.

Chemical Control: Drench Bayer Velum Prime – 300 ml per acre.

Red Mite 

Nymphs and adult insects feed on the underside of the leaf, causing numerous yellow spots to develop on the upper side. This feeding activity leads to gradual curling, wrinkling, and crumpling of the affected leaves over time.

Chemical Control: Spray Diafenthiuron 50 % WP – 1 gm OR Propargite 57 % EC – 2.5 ml OR Spiromesifen 22.9 % SC 1 ml per liter water.

Fruit Borer 

Terminal shoots exhibit wilting and drooping, often indicating stress or disease. There is noticeable shedding of buds and flowers, affecting the crop’s potential yield. Fruits may show boreholes and feeding damage from pests, compromising their quality.

Mechanical Control: Install 5 Fruit borer traps per acre in the field.

Chemical Control: Spray Emamectin benzoate 5% SG – 0.5 gm OR Chlorantraniliprole 18.5% SC – 0.4 ml OR Ampligo insecticide 0.5 ml OR Gracia Insecticide 1 ml per liter water.

Disease Management

The following okra disease are harmful to Lady finger farming and directly affect the yield of the Okra crop.

Cercospora Leaf Spot

The disease initially manifests as small spots with light to tan brown centers on older leaves. As it progresses, these lesions enlarge, covering significant portions of the leaf surface.

Chemical Control: Spray saaf fungicide @ 2 gm OR Curzet @ 2.5 gm/liter water.

Yellow Vein Mosaic Virus (YVMV)

In infected plants, a distinct symptom is the yellowing of the entire network of veins across the leaf blade. In severe cases, younger leaves exhibit pronounced yellowing, shrink in size, and the overall plant growth is severely stunted. The transmission of the virus occurs through whiteflies.

Mechanical Control: Install Blue sticky traps @ 10 per acre.

Organic Control: Spray Neem oil  @ 2 ml per liter water

Chemical Control: Spray Geolife No Virus 3 ml with Thiamethoxam 25% WG – 0.5 gm OR  Imidacloprid 17.8% SL 0.5 ml OR Ulala Insecticide 0.4 gm per liter water.

Fusarium Wilt 

Infected plants may display dark brown or reddish-brown discoloration in the vascular tissue when the stem is cut open. This symptom is often accompanied by stunted growth, eventually leading to plant death.

Organic Control: Drench biofungicide Trichoderma viride 500 gm per acre.  

Chemical Control: Metalaxyl 8% + Mancozeb 64% WP – 500 gm OR Thiophanate methyl 70 % WP 400 gm per acre.

Powdery Mildew 

White, powdery spots appear on the undersides of leaves, leading to leaf yellowing.

Chemical Control: Spray saaf fungicide @ 2 gm OR Bayer Nativo 0.5 gm OR Amistar Top 1 ml /  liter water.

Harvesting & Threshing



In conclusion, okra cultivation is a rewarding venture with significant economic potential. By following the recommended practices for soil preparation, nutrient management, pest control, and timely harvesting, farmers can achieve high yields and quality produce. Okra’s adaptability to various climatic conditions and its nutritional benefits make it a valuable crop in Indian agriculture.


What is the best season to plant Okra?

The best seasons are Kharif (June-July) and Rabi (February-March).

Which soil is best suited for Okra Cultivation?

Well-drained loamy soil with a pH of 6.0 to 7.5 is ideal.

How much water does Okra require?

Okra requires moderate irrigation, with increased frequency during flowering and fruiting stages.

What are the common pests affecting Okra?

Common pests include aphids, fruit borers, and jassids.

How is Okra harvested?

Okra is handpicked when pods are tender and immature, usually 45-60 days after sowing.

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